The Father Of Slain US Soldier Who Attacked Trump NOW Has His Travel Rights Under Review!

by | Mar 7, 2017 | News | 0 comments

This administration is a petty, nasty, arrogant disgusting entity. It shows none of the compassion, caring and rationality that America should be striving for and this story just seems to prove that once more.

It seems no one can can cross Trump without being hurt, the vindictiveness is not a trait that a president or an administration should ever have!

Last year Kazr Khan stood up and attacked Trump. Khan’s son was killed in Iraq and Khan is Pakistani by birth (but a 30 year citizen of USA). People listened. Trump attacked him and his wife, without compassionately! Khan’s wife stood up against Trump too.

Now it seems Trump, or at least his administration may not be letting the beef go, a Trump clearly never forgets!

For an unknown reason Khan has been told his travel rights are under review and he has had to cancel an address he was scheduled to give in Toronto as a result.

He has not been given a reason as to why his travel privileges were being reviewed or who is reviewing it at this stage. In a statement on Monday he said:

“This turn of events is not just of deep concern to me but to all my fellow Americans who cherish our freedom to travel abroad,”

“I am grateful for your support and look forward to visiting Toronto in the near future.”

RawStory reported:

Khan had planned to speak at a luncheon in Toronto on Tuesday in a discussion about President Trump’s administration, according to Ramsay Talks, a Toronto-based speaker series hosted by Bob Ramsay.

Khan declined to comment further in an email exchange with Reuters.

The organization said in the same statement that Khan, a U.S. citizen for over 30 years, was notified Sunday evening that his travel privileges were being reviewed.

“Mr. Khan will not be traveling to Toronto on March 7th to speak about tolerance, understanding, unity and the rule of law,” said Ramsay Talks, which announced guests would be refunded the ticket price of C$89.

U.S. Customs & Border Protection said it does not contact travelers in advance of their travel out of the United States, according to an official who said any U.S. citizen with a passport may travel out of the country. CBP would not comment specifically on the Khan case, citing privacy protections.

Trump signed a revised executive order on Monday banning citizens from six Muslim-majority nations from traveling to the United States, but Pakistan is not one of those countries and the ban does not apply to U.S. citizens or legal permanent U.S. residents.

Khan and his wife, Ghazala Khan, appeared at the Democratic National Convention in support of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and shared the story of their son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed during the Iraq war.

Read more here.

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