Father Shots Teen Dead After His Daughter Sneaks Him In The House!

by | Mar 1, 2017 | News | 0 comments

This is a really sad story, a tragic one that has me again asking questions specifically related to guns in the United States.

I’ll get to that after a run down of what happened.

The Police were called to a aColumbia County home last night by a man saying a burglary was happening.

When the police arrived they found 17-year-old Jordan Middleton dead from a single gunshot wound to the chest.

The father heard noises downstairs so he got his gun and went to investigate. The family dog was repeatedly barking towards the guest bedroom. He says he asked shouted for anyone there to identify themselves but there was no answer, so he entered. Middleton jumped out of a closet and ran and the father let off one round at what he thought was an intruder.

It turned out that the young man had been sneaked in by the daughter. The death was a tragic mistake.

No charges were filled.

A teen sneaking into the home of another teen is old news, we’ve probably all done it, our kids will probably try it. The angry father, that’s old news too and that’s just the dynamics of life, growing up, young relationships and all that.

Sadly, this happened in the USA where many homeowners own a gun to keep them safe from intruders.

Gun violence goes far beyond street gang crime (many of those weapons are illegal anyway) and the machines supposedly there to protect probably kill many many more innocents than they save.

Simply, in my opinion, no gun and this young man would still be alive…. Although he may have gotten a bit of a beat round from an angry dad!

The father likely is devastated, this mistake has ruined many lives.

The fear of not owning a gun is exactly how they are sold. But how many times do we hear that a gun actually saved a life in these kinds of situations? When did anyone every manage to stop a home invasion with their own gun? Maybe it happens often but I never hear about it!

I’d like to know your thoughts.

Story details source: http://wjbf.com/2017/02/25/teenager-shot-to-death-after-young-girl-sneaks-him-in-house/

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