(VIDEO) Boxer Yusaf Mack Beats Twitter Troll Bloody In Barber Shop After Gay Attacks

by | Feb 21, 2017 | News | 0 comments

In 2015, father of 10, retired-professional boxer, Yusaf Mack came out as openly gay. Since then he has endured abuse for his sexuality.

It seems that he finally cracked after coming facing to face with Hector Echevarria, a man who has been trolling Mack on Twitter and repeatedly been making homophobic comments.

Mack confronted him at L A Clippers barber shop in Philadelphia on Saturday night and the incident was filmed as Mack beat him bloody.

Hector has since made his social media accounts private but not before delivering a final jab, saying that he would rather have the beating on film than getting a ‘d*** up my a**’.

Now, I don’t agree with attacking people but as a black sports personality being openly gay cannot be easy and I am sure Mack has to endure a lot of abuse. Sometimes people crack and I have some sympathy for him…. Also, he must have held back on Echevarria, a professional boxer can do a lot more damage than your average Joe!

Mack actually stars in films for the Reality Dudes production company under the stage name Philly Mack, yes, these are adult movies!

Watch the twitter troll beat down video below and let us know what you think?

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