7 Officers Indicted For Racketeering Including Robbing Victims (But 5 Of Them Are Black!)

by | Mar 3, 2017 | News, Opinion | 0 comments

I’m very glad about this. Seven disgusting corrupt officers are off the street after a secret investigation  by the justice Department that was even kept quiet from the city’s State Attorney!

The officers are being are being federally indicted for a racketeering conspiracy. A very severe one in which (via Fox Baltimore):

reportedly robbing victims ranging from $200,000 to a ‘couple hundred dollars,’ filing false affidavits, and making fraudulent overtime claims while officers vacationed in Myrtle Beach and gambled at casinos.

One officer is also charged in a separate drug distribution indictment. Sometimes, narcotics and weapons were seized in addition to money and, “in several instances, the defendants did not file any police reports,” the indictment alleges.

The indictment was uploaded to Scribd and can be seen below.

The officers have been identified as Momodu Bondeva Kenton Gondo a/k/a ‘GMoney’ and ‘Mike,’ Wayne Earl Jenkins, Evodio Calles Hendrix, Maurice Kilpatrick Ward, Jemell Lamar Rayam, Daniel Thomas Hersl and Marcus Roosevelt Taylor

All are suspended without pay and are in custody of the FBI as the investgation is ongoing and more victims are being sought!

Now, of course, this is good news! The police need serious cleaning up! BUT I have a few concerns here. In a force where black folks are seriously underrepresented it happens that in one of the only major investigations of it’s type, 5 of the 7 guys are visually black!

I have to ask, were they targeted? It may be the media but it seems that time and time again when an officer is publically arrested they seem to be officers of color, while white officers are often given slaps on the wrist for their ‘bad behavior’.

We’ll have to wait to see where this investigation goes but I would love your thoughts.

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