On Thursday, a team of archaeologists discovered a 8 meter, 3,000-year-old statue thought to depict Ramses II from Matariya, greater Cairo. Matariya was once known as Heliopolis and was the cult center for the sun god.

Anani also spoke to Reuters at the site of the statue’s unveiling. Here’s more from the wire service:
“The most powerful and celebrated ruler of ancient Egypt, the pharaoh also known as Ramses the Great was the third of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt and ruled from 1279 to 1213 BCE. … His successors called him the ‘Great Ancestor.’
” ‘We found the bust of the statue and the lower part of the head and now we removed the head and we found the crown and the right ear and a fragment of the right eye,’ Anani said.
“On Thursday, archaeologists, officials, local residents, and members of the news media looked on as a massive forklift pulled the statue’s head out of the water.”