Colin Kaepernick Donated $50k to Meals on Wheels As Trump Slashes Their Budget!

by | Mar 22, 2017 | News | 0 comments

Meals on Wheels has been there to provide warm food to so many seniors over the years, it’s something many older people rely on, not being able to afford and prepare food themselves. However Proposals by Trump will likely destroy the service.

In retrospect, Colin Kaepernick, a man who many deem “Un-American” because of his protest against racial injustice has personally donated $50k to try and help the service despite currently being unemployed, something President trump has publicly stated he is happy about.

Regarding the Meals on Wheels Budget cuts, Time Money wrote:

A proposal of the Trump budget, released Thursday morning, calls for the complete elimination of the Community Development Block Grant program, which operates under the Department of Housing and Urban Development and covers Meals on Wheels. The budget plan estimates that cutting the program would save the government $3 billion.

“The Federal Government has spent over $150 billion on this block grant since its inception in 1974, but the program is not well-targeted to the poorest populations and has not demonstrated results,” the draft of the budget says.

A representative for Meals on Wheels said not enough details were provided to discern how this budget would impact the program, but that “it is difficult to imagine a scenario in which they will not be significantly and negatively impacted.”


And about the Kaep donation:

So who is Un-American, please remind me!

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