HIV/AIDS has ravished the world, particularly black and brown people. There has been much speculation and debate as to why, but at least one man has been an almost 20 year quest to find a cure for the virus.
Professor Maduike Ezeibe is the man who says he has the procedure that can cure one of HIV/AIDS. A Professor of Veterinary Medicine at Michal Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Abia State, Ezeibe says he is coming forward to validate to the world that a black man came up with this cure for HIV/AIDS.
Ezeibe recently stated his discovery is a major breakthrough, but also very real, authentic and effective in practice.
The professor made this disclosure while speaking with Southern City News in his office. He further stated that his research into this therapy known as ‘Antivrit’ (Anti-Viral Therapy) started in 1994, as his own quest to be part of the solution to finding cure for the global scourge called HIV/AIDS that have claimed many life all over the world.
The university don opined that he decided to publish his findings in order to prove to those that doubt that a black man is capable of finding cure for HIV/AIDS.
As if the discovery of the cure isn’t great enough, Ezeibe mentioned the two minerals involved in the procedure, aluminum silicate (kaolin) and magnesium silicate are readily available and cheap to acquire. This should keep cost of the procedure down.
It is unfortunate, but many in our community will not believe something unless it is validated by the West. Therefore, you can read more about scientist at Johns Hopkins coming forward with their findings and being able to replicate Ezeibe’s breakthrough.
A great thanks to DR.Kpelede the man that help me when i was very sickness, i was a HIV positive and my little daughter I have try all my possible best to get cure but I couldn’t come to my point, am from Nigeria but Live in USA I have go to different hospital but no cure, when it now getting worse I inform my people in my country they feel bad, and said there is a cure in my country that DR.Kpelede have cure for the HIV I was very happy to hear, I ask what can I do for me to get cure my mother told me I should hold on that she will inform the doctor about the problem on the next day my mother call me and tell me, what the man requested for the curing, that I should give my details to him and my mother did that, and the man requested for items for the cure my mother provide everything to him on the evening of it my mother call me and inform me about the good news that me and my little daughter should go for test, am now negative through this man thanks doctor you can call him or email him now through m or 2347038111854