17 year old Kendrick Johnson was found dead in a gym mat at his school. The death was ruled an accidental suffocation by investigators and initial autopsy.
Blood found at the scene of death. Second autopsy ran with different findings, but the Johnson’s organs were missing and stuffed with old newspaper.Â
There are two prominent questions developing around this case. Was Kendrick Johnson murdered? Was his organs harvested and sold on the black market?
17 year old, three sport athlete, Kendrick Johson was discovered dead in the gym of Lowndes Country High School in January rolled up in  a gym mat. As with any case, the body was inspected by the State medical examiner and determined the teen died of suffocation. According to investigators, Johnson got stuck in the rolled up gym mat while trying to retrieve a sneaker.
The family never bought this information for one second and called for a follow up autopsy, but their nightmare continued when they had the body exhumed for further examination.
Once the body was retrieved for the second examination, it was discovered the body and skull had been stuffed with old newspaper to keep shape for burial. Needless to say, this shocked and horrified the family and adds a new layer of disappointment, frustration and skepticism to the original findings.
“We have been let down again,” his father, Kenneth Johnson, told CNN. “When we buried Kendrick, we thought we were burying Kendrick, not half of Kendrick.”
This is an unbelieveable turn of events for the family to have to deal with under the circumstances. Not only was their child taken from them, but even his dead body wasn’t respected during the burial process. These findings are raising many questions regarding the entities involved in the autopsy and burial of young Mr. Johnson.
During an autopsy, internal organs are removed and examined before being returned for burial. But when Dr. Bill Anderson, the private pathologist who conducted the second autopsy, opened up the teen’s remains, the brain, heart, lungs, liver and other viscera were missing. Every organ from the pelvis to the skull was gone.
“I’m not sure at this point who did not return the organs to the body,” Anderson said.
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Two entities had custody of Kendrick Johnson’s body after his death — the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, which conducted the first autopsy in January; and the Harrington Funeral Home in Valdosta, which handled the teen’s embalming and burial.
GBI spokeswoman Sherry Lang told CNN that after the autopsy, “the organs were placed in Johnson’s body, the body was closed, then the body was released to the funeral home.” That’s normal practice, Lang said.
Someone has some explaining to do as questions around what happened to the organs continue to grow.
Many are begining to believe the organs were harvested and sold on the black market to the highest bidder. Maybe there should be a wide spread investigation into other bodies buried by this funeral home and those whom the GBI has completed autopsies.
Source:Â http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/09/us/georgia-gym-mat-death/index.html
Apparently urban intellectuals don’t believe in good grammar.
“Apparently, Urban Intellectuals does not believe in being grammatically correct.”, is a better way to write your comment.